
Struktur und Wechselwirkung von Hadronen und Kernen

The Graduiertenkolleg "Struktur und Wechselwirkung von Hadronen und Kernen" has been established at the Eberhard Karls UniversitΣt Tⁿbingen (FakultΣt fⁿr Physik) since october 1991. It is a central aim of the Graduiertenkolleg to improve the working conditions for PhD students. For that purpose a group of scientists cooperates in developing a special program to support the studies and the scientific work of PhD students. This project is supported by the "Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft" (DFG Mu 705/3) and obtains financial support from the federal government of the Bundesrepublik Deutschland and by the state of Baden-Wⁿrttemberg.

The scientific object of this Graduiertenkolleg are experimental and theoretical investigations on nuclear - and particle - physics at intermediate energies. A major aim is to improve the cooperation between groups working on theoretical and experimental projects. Working language in these groups are German and/or English. Partcicpating scientists are

Stipends are available for a work on a PhD thesis in these cooperating groups. These stipends pay 1.600 DM per month free of tax (plus 300 DM per month for married students). The stipend will be given for 2 years with a possible extension for another year. The condition for beeing accepted by the Graduiertenkolleg are a scientific university degree in physics (completed with a very good result, the degree should be equivalent to the Diplom degree at a german university). The applicants should furthermore be interested in the scientific object of the Kolleg and willing to cooperate with the partcipating groups.

Applications for the stipends should be mailed to:

Prof. H. Mⁿther
Institut fⁿr Theoretische Physik
Auf der Morgenstelle 14
D-72076 Tⁿbingen


Further informations can be obtained on request.